Branch Reflexology Institute invites you to attend a training ‘unlike any other’. Comprehensive, authentic and fun – all in one! Learn proficiency with technique and protocol for common conditions. Take one level or go for the certificate; it’s your choice! We’d love to teach you the skills to help your family and friends or become a Reflexologist and start a business!

We are here for you! And, from all of us at Branch Reflexology Institute, we look forward to having you in class.

  1. Complete Curriculum: The following program list is for each curriculum offered by Branch Reflexology Institute, LLC

    Program curriculum

  2. Course Total Weekends: Clinical Foot Reflexology, The Body Talks Method (5) Clinical Hand Reflexology (2) Spa Reflexology (1-day).
  3. Course Training Levels are Progressive: Because the levels are progressive, applicants must start with Level I and proceed to the final level, regardless of previous training.
  4. Clinical Foot Reflexology, ‘The Body Talks Method’ Reflexology Certificate Training includes emotions housed in organs, how to speak to your client in a nurturing and supportive way when congestion is detected. This training also introduces students to Bach Flower Essences and their relevance to organs and emotions. (150 hr. course)
  5. Clinical Hand Reflexology Certificate Training: eligibility is that you must have a minimum of 110 hours in a Foot Reflexology Program (32 hr. course)
  6. Spa Reflexology Certificate Training offers Spa Services a 1-Day Training for Foot and/or Hand Reflexology for commonly congested areas focusing on education, skill and technique for effective authentic reflexology.
  7. Enrollment Requirements: Students must have a high school diploma or GED.
  8. Credit for Previous Education and Training: No credit is allowed for previous education and training.
  9. Holidays and Enrollment: The school will be closed on all federally recognized holidays. The school has an open enrollment policy.
  10. Equipment Needs: BRI provides the necessary equipment for your training; 1) Chairs; anti-gravity reclining chairs and/or straight back chairs for you to learn application. 2) Lotions, disinfectant wipes and towels. 3) Nail files and clippers (please feel free to bring your own).
  11. Students Please Bring: Equipment to be supplied by Student that is not included in the cost of tuition: 1) Sweater or light jacket, as room temperatures can vary. 2) Warm pair of socks or slippers. 3) Note paper, pen and pencil. 4) Clippers and/or nail file. (approximate cost on items asked to bring to class: $5)
  12. Student Conduct: 1) All students are expected to conduct themselves in an adult manner with respect to other students and the instructors.. Students who violate these conditions may be expelled and not readmitted. Students who are expelled forfeit all tuition and fees. 2) Please; no idle chatter or visiting when instructors are presenting. 3) Appropriate necklines with comfortable loose fitting clothing. 4) Fingernails trimmed (not too low for sensitivity) and well manicured, injuries must be covered with a bandage.
  13. Calendar Confirmation and Absence Policy: As an applicant desiring to become a student with Branch Reflexology Institute (BRI) with a goal to acquire a certificate, I understand that if I am unable to attend one of the pre-arranged levels that I may have to wait until that level becomes available at the specific location; before proceeding to other levels. With this understanding we ask that all students check their calendars for all dates associated with the Levels. If you are unable to attend maximum 2 hours of a training weekend, you will be asked to retake the level.
  14. Absence or Unable to Attend: If a student is unable to attend one of their progressive course levels i.e., illness, inclement weather, etc., tuition dollars paid can be applied to a future training level equal to the level missed. If BRI has a concurrent level available at another location, it is up to the discretion of the BRI Instructors and with permission of the hospital to add them to their location. A student has up to 2 years to retake a class or progress to another level to remain active as a student. All levels and hours must be attended in order to pass the program.
  15. Testing Requirements: Your testing is comprised of a written, applied and verbal w/instructor(s) must pass with no less than 85% in performance in each of the written exam, applied technical, must have accomplished technique and knowledge of reflex locations, and be able to answer questions on theory and protocol for conditions. All students test with one or more instructors on the last day of the training series. Fail any part of the 3 part exam requires repeat of one of the levels of training pertinent to your area of weakness and the exam is scheduled for a retest at another time. There is a reduced rate for any student repeating a level of training. Re-testing fees apply.
  16. Graduation Requirements: The student must complete all coursework, meet all attendance and grading policies and have all tuition and fees paid Students must meet the 85% or better on the written, applied and verbal test.. Once this is done, a certificate is awarded certifying and registering the student with BRI for the program which they enrolled. Any graduate that is interested in taking a refresher level is welcome to do so at the returning student reduced fee.
  17. Placement Assistance: Placement assistance is not provided.
  18. Type of Certificate Issued: If a student has completed all levels of training and meets the pass performance, the student receives a certificate of completion and is then referred to as Reflexologist with a Reflexology Certificate. Your certificate states, “has completed xxx amount of levels of course work including xxx hours of study, practicum, written and applied technique with Branch Reflexology Institute, LLC”. Students may audit the classes or receive a letter of attendance of class levels. A letter of attendance is given to students who do not achieve an 85% or better from the written, applied and verbal test.
  19. Practicum Sessions: Practicums are independent study and arranged by the student. These are unpaid, unsupervised hours. Practicum forms are given to each student in class at each level. Practicums are turned in and evaluated by instructors.* Students who wish to file a complaint with the State of Michigan may do so at

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